Saturday, May 18

If we yell loud enough, we’ll get what we want

If we yell loud enough, we’ll get what we want

By Joey Gil

In my view, the May 1 viewpoint "Are you sick of USAC elections?
Boycott" by Anne Arche Goldman was stupid and irresponsible. The
biggest problem with progressive students today is their apparent
apathy. I agree with Sabrina Smith ­ I don’t think students
don’t care, it’s just that students don’t believe they can make a
difference. Even though you may have a lot of good ideas where
money should be spent, you’re not helping by promoting both apathy
and this notion of insignificance at a time when a strong student
voice is most important!

Right now, without Jason Reed, the students’ association is at a
crossroads. It can either go the path to benefit the students it’s
supposed to serve, or to benefit itself as a profit-oriented
corporation.Whoever is elected as undergraduate or graduate
president will choose the student members of the students’
association board of directors. Whoever sits on the board will make
the policy decisions that shall severely affect students.

You can vote for the candidates that put students first, or you
can sit back and let it hit the fan. I’d say that alone constitutes
a damn good reason to vote.

I must agree with Goldman on her observations of the last two
undergraduate presidents, Kate Anderson and Rob Greenhalgh. They
probably didn’t live up to their campaign promises of "unity" and
"communication" because in many ways, their primary purpose was
simply to obtain Greek sponsorship. Their single-mindedness and
solidarity for sponsorship was the reason for their victory in the
past two years, not a "lack of financial resources" on the part of
candidates on the progressive slate.

Goldman also said that even if elected, progressives would be
powerless due to Smith vs. Regents. If she had been keeping up,
however, she would have known that the University of California
Students Association may soon begin lobbying the California
legislature once more.

If we yell loud enough, we can get what we want. Promoting
notions of student apathy hurts no one but students themselves. So,
come election day, you can either be heard, or you can be a cool
Generation X stereotype and let the world go to shit.

Gil is a second-year microbiology student.

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