Sunday, May 19

Police arrest man for Med Center thefts after mild altercation (ONLINE!)

Foot chase begins after staff member follows suspect trying to make off with stolen checks

By Michael Falcone Daily Bruin Senior Staff Police arrested a
man who nearly walked away with more than $40,000 in checks that he
stole from offices in the UCLA Medical Plaza Wednesday afternoon. A
UCLA staff member who entered an elevator with the suspect and
followed him for several blocks flagged down authorities eventually
leading to his arrest. Glen Dale Collins, a middle-aged man whom
police later identified as a convicted felon out on parole, was
followed out of the Revlon-UCLA Breast Cancer Research Center by a
staff member. According to witnesses, Jan Austin Peterson followed
Collins from the B-level of the 200 Building in the Medical Plaza
into Westwood after she and other employees suspected Collins of
stealing wallets and checkbooks from several offices there.

“We all basically came out of our offices and stopped
him,” said Sonya Sharma, a staff member who works at the
center and witnessed Wednesday’s events.

Sharma said Collins, who carried a large briefcase and appeared
well-dressed, may have been trying to pose as a doctor to move
through the medical building without raising suspicion.

UCPD Sgt. Tracy Collinsworth, one of three officers who
eventually arrested Collins, concurred with Sharma’s

“He appeared very clean cut and was dressed in nice
clothes. He was carrying a briefcase and a textbook ““ you
would have assumed he was faculty, staff or a professional,”
Collinsworth said.

Witnesses said Collins made himself a cup of coffee in between
his repeated thefts at the center.

While following the suspect on Westwood Boulevard, Peterson
flagged down members of a UCLA medical transport team, who then
called UCPD. UCPD Officer Brian Washburn, responded to the call,
spotted Collins and ran after him.

The pursuit ended outside Robo Cat, a shoe store at 1073 Broxton
Ave., where Washburn attempted to subdue the 6-foot, 245-pound

During what Collinsworth described as a “mild
altercation” between Washburn and the suspect, the officer
called for backup. Minutes later, Collinsworth and another officer
arrived at the scene and helped detain the suspect.

Following the arrest, Collins complained of shortness of breath.
Police officers asked several fire fighters and paramedics who were
having lunch nearby to examine the suspect.

Collins was taken to the hospital and later released into police

Collins was held without bail for several hours at the
University of California Police Department before being transported
to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department Twin Towers
Correctional Facility Wednesday evening, police said.

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