Sunday, May 19

Speaks Out

Several attacks and sexual assaults have taken place on
campus in recent months. In your opinion, how safe is
Tina Oakland Director, The Center
for Women & Men "We have fewer reported incidents by far than
the rest of the city. On the other hand, we are an open campus and
therefore subject to all the problems of the surrounding community.
Our strength is in our tremendous concern as a community for the
safety of our community. We are one of the very few campuses that
provides free self-defense workshops for students, staff and
faculty. Our campus provides ‘community policing’ which is far more
suited to the needs of a campus community in addition to CSO
escorts and van service. I know of no other campus that puts forth
a more consistent effort to keep its students, staff and faculty
safe and informed. … We are always looking for ways to improve
the campus services in this area because violations of safety are
everyone’s concern and are unacceptable." Lieutenant John

Lieutenant Manny Garza

UCPD "UCLA is a safe community. However, even in the safest of
communities, crime occurs, including serious crime. Our job is to
protect the campus from those seeking to prey on our community and,
when a crime is committed, work to apprehend the suspect and
prevent a recurrence. We do this through patrol, apprehension,
investigation and education. Ensuring a safe campus requires a
working partnership – community policing. In response to the recent
sexual assaults, we have specifically: * Intensified foot and
directed patrols by officers in campus buildings * Disseminate
updated crime alerts and related safety information throughout the
campus * Temporarily assigned all Detective personnel to exhaust
all possible leads * Provided additional community service officers
throughout the campus for escorts. * Provided programs and
presentations regarding safety, many in conjunction with the Center
for Women and Men We all need to participate in insuring the campus
is safe by being aware of our surroundings, reporting suspicious
activity and taking advantage of the safety programs and services."
Dr. Ronni Sanlo Director, UCLA Lesbian gay
Bisexual Transgender Campus Resource Center "If one is a straight
white male from a higher socio-economic class, then UCLA is very
safe institution. If one is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender,
or a woman, a student of color, differently abled, poor or a
religion other than Christian, UCLA generally does not feel very
safe or welcoming or inclusive. Our vision for UCLA is that it will
one day be a welcoming institution so that all students may learn
and all faculty and staff may teach and work in an environment that
values and nurtures difference. Many of us at UCLA are working hard
to get to that place but because our society still condones
discrimination, it remains an uphill challenge." Dr. Hal
director of student Psychological Services

"I think the university is basically a safe environment, but I
think anyone would be naive to think we have a fence around us –
we’re definitely impacted by the things going on outside UCLA. But
overall, I think it’s a safer environment than you’d find in most

Speaks Out compiled by Christine Byrd, Daily Bruin Senior

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