Tuesday, May 14

Council postpones vote on 2 resolutions

In an act becoming familiar to the undergraduate student
government during their meetings in weeks past, voting was
postponed on two resolutions placed on the agenda Tuesday

The two resolutions on the Undergraduate Students Association
Council’s agenda ““ a resolution in support of organized
labor and a resolution against Taco Bell on the UCLA campus ““
will be pushed to the Nov. 18 meeting.

The two resolutions on the weekly agenda were pushed due to
overestimation, said the internal vice president, Allende
Palma/Saracho, who compiles the agenda each week.

“We just had hopes too high of what to accomplish this
past week, but we got boggled down with midterms,”
Palma/Saracho said.

Palma/Saracho added that the resolution in support of organized
labor has not yet been written, and will be written by numerous
labor groups including the United Food and Commercial Workers Union
““ the union involved in the supermarket strike.

“We want it to be encompassing of all major labor strikes
going on right now,” Palma/Saracho said. “We
haven’t had opportunity (to write it), but thought it would
be done for this week.”

Postponement of discussions and resolutions have been frequent
at USAC meetings in the past several weeks.

On Oct. 28, discussion for USAC sponsorship of the UCLA Dance
Marathon was tabled due to debate over criteria for USAC
sponsorship, resulting in the creation of a constitution bylaw
review committee.

Financial Supports Commissioner Erica Husse and Facilities
Commissioner Tutram Nguyen were appointed to the review committee
at Tuesday night’s meeting. General Representative Josh
Lawson’s request to be placed on the committee was

Discussion to amend USAC bylaws was tabled during the Oct. 21
general meeting. The amendment would have opened up council funding
to all student groups ““ including those that are politically
or religiously affiliated.

Councilmembers voted to table discussion until the University of
California Office of the President updated its own guidelines on
student group funding.

“Killing things at the table is the opposite of a
productive council,” Lawson said, adding that council is
hesitant to take a stance on issues, which is why discussion is
being postponed so frequently.

But Community Service Commissioner Justin Schreiber believes
postponing resolutions will help council in the long-run.

“I think it’s important that we make informed
decisions rather than rushed decisions,” Schreiber said.
“I’d rather have us wait a week and look over a
resolution, than be given a resolution and make a decision right

Schreiber added that in the end, he believes the council will
accomplish its goals.

“It might appear that a lot isn’t happening all at
once right now, but in the end of the year, I’m sure we will
have accomplished a lot,” Schreiber said.

To avoid postponing action items in the future, Palma/Saracho
said if resolutions are not complete by the Thursday before each
meeting, they will not be placed on the agenda for the following

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