Monday, May 20

Walkout continues outside Murphy Hall; ralliers to head to chancellor’s office

The University of California-wide walkout continues outside of Murphy Hall. Ralliers are outside shouting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho; Chancellor Block, come say hello.” University police have stopped people from entering the building. Ralliers are on their way to the chancellor’s office on campus.

Prior to the march, a resolution was passed around supporting the walkout, and attendees of the protest were invited to sign. The resolution, released by the Undergraduate Students Association Council, was read to the crowd.

USAC External Vice President Susan Li spoke to the crowd. “It’s so beautiful to see people out here,” she said, adding that she was in full support of the coalition of students and faculty forming.

Well-known campus locale Bruin Plaza was flooded as students, faculty and workers made their way at noon to speak out against recent increases in student fees and class sizes, decreases in course offerings and the implementation of faculty furlough days.

Protesters held signs reading, “Education is a right,” “UC has billions,” and “Overcrowded classes and overworked TAs.”

A series of speakers spoke to the ralliers from the Bruin Plaza stage. Attendees shouted, “Whose university? Our university!”

University police Sgt. Russell McKinney said he estimates that there are now 400 attendees. Approximately 100 UCLA faculty members, including professors and assistant professors, signed support for the walkout.

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