Sunday, May 5

USAC candidate Jason Youdeem replies to MEChA’s accusations

SUBMITTED BY: Jason Youdeem

As you are probably aware, the Undergraduate Students Association Council elections are currently in full swing.

Election campaigns provide an excellent opportunity to engage all students in a positive and productive discussion on a variety of issues in an effort to encourage students to vote.

Unfortunately, this is not the only tactic used to campaign on campus.

On Monday, MEChA de UCLA issued a statement in an attempt to persuade voters to vote against me in the student government elections.

The accusations MEChA de UCLA made about me are completely false.

I had agreed to meet with the president of MEChA de UCLA to discuss this. But instead of following protocol, she chose to publish false statements and distribute them to the campus at large anyway.

I still hope to meet with the president of MEChA de UCLA to discuss the accusations.

Additionally, I would like to say that, like every student group on this campus, I appreciate and respect the unique perspective, values and opinions of MEChA de UCLA and the role they play in furthering dialogue on our campus.

Youdeem is a third-year global studies student and the Bruins United candidate for USAC Academic Affairs Commissioner.

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