Monday, February 17

North Westwood Neighborhood Council recap – Oct. 5

The North Westwood Neighborhood Council – the official neighborhood council representing Westwood Village and UCLA to the Los Angeles City Council – met Wednesday for their monthly meeting.

The members voted to elect the next council president, replacing Furkan Yalcin, whose yearlong term has ended. Andrew Lewis, the NWWNC vice president, made the motion to nominate business stakeholder Josh Trifunovic – the owner of Rocco’s Tavern in Westwood and a UCLA political science and government alumnus – to the position. Trifunovic is a founding member of the Westwood Forward coalition that spurred the creation of the NWWNC.

After a few council members spoke in support of the nomination, the council unanimously elected Trifunovic as chair.

The council also spoke to Michael Russell, the new executive director of the Westwood Village Improvement Association, about the plan to close Broxton Avenue in Westwood to vehicular traffic and add UCLA public art.

Meetings are open to the public via Zoom. The next meeting will be held virtually Nov. 2.

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