Saturday, May 18

Op-ed: Pro-Palestine protesters showed steadfast bravery, resistance amid police violence

This post was updated May 5 at 8:44 p.m.

Dearest Students:

On May 2, I woke up to the news that police had taken down your Palestine solidarity encampment. As a previous educator, student organizer and daughter of a Chicano Brown Beret, I’m overwhelmed by you all – your bravery, your resilience and your unequivocal belief in building a just world.

Through your resilience and intelligence, you demanded to be seen – to make sure your calls for peace and action were not ignored. You disavowed complacency by taking a stand. You continue the enduring legacy of amplifying the voices of those who are treated unjustly and suffer under the weight of oppression.

After watching the news coverage of the vicious attacks by agitators, my wife and I felt compelled to support you. We wanted to encourage you – to let you know that you’re not alone, and we are proud of what you are doing.

So we made the trek to our alma mater to drop off supplies and stand with you. Our simple offering entailed assisting in the donation area by organizing supplies, distributing containers into the camp, chanting on the Tongva Steps, and walking through and taking in the encampment.

During those hours, we witnessed the ideals of noble resistance. Even though you had just endured violence, the space you created was rooted in love and community. It was beautiful; it felt safe.

I am sorry I was not there with you Tuesday night.

The way the administration and campus police deserted you during the dawn hours of Wednesday morning was disgraceful. Their act made me ashamed to be a UCLA alumnus, but you – you all made me proud to be a Bruin. Thank you for your courage. What you have done here will not be forgotten – not by me and so many of us who stand with you and admire you from afar.

Thursday morning’s crackdown is not a failure. Do not give up. Your acts of liberation are a reminder that college campuses are sacred spaces for student expression and action. So heal, regroup and lead us so that we may follow.

In solidarity,

Lucrecia Nava

Lucrecia Nava is a 2011 UCLA alumnus with a Master of Education.

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