Tuesday, May 21

Bright Blue Gorilla has big laughs on small budget

If extraterrestrials have been monitoring our pop culture for insight into the human species, their interstellar airwaves would be dominated by the likes of "Hannah Montana" and the "Transformers" sequel. Read more...

Photo: Musicians Michael Glover (left) and his wife, Robyn Rosenkrantz, of Bright Blue Gorilla collaborated with producer and actor Fred Beshid in the 2008 film “Karate Film Cafe,” a comedy about a karate studio, video store and restaurant. The film has received awards in festivals in Venice and Cannes and will have its Los Angeles premiere on Oct. 10 at the Downtown Independent Cinema as part of a tour of U.S. arthouse theaters.

Screen Scene: A Serious Man

The Coen brothers really can't make a bad movie, so it's hard to know how to judge their films. If you were to base it on the amount of pleasure proportional to the amount of pain you feel while watching it, then "A Serious Man" may not come out on top. Read more...