Saturday, May 18

In defense of lobbying efforts

In response to Jarrod Goldberg's opinion piece ("USAC external vice president office ineffectively unites students against fee hikes," April 27), we have to make clear that the members of the California Democracy Act Coalition and the Bruin Lobby Corps find his views on our efforts to make college more affordable misleading and very ill-informed. Read more...

IDS opens doors to research

"We are happy to announce that the IDS major will reopen for admission in Fall 2010!!!!!!" So begins a note on the international development studies website posted Monday. Even without the emphasis of six exclamation marks, it should be obvious that this is good news. Read more...

SAFRA marks a win for education

On March 30, in the auditorium of Northern Virginia Community College, President Barack Obama, joined by more than 50 student members of the United States Student Association, signed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HR 4872) into law. Read more...

FDA salt crackdown is in bad taste

The FDA recommends a daily allowance of sodium not in excess of 2,300 milligrams, a boundary the average American has a hard time respecting despite the threat of hypertension and heart disease. Because its recommendation is being taken with a grain of salt, the FDA is currently planning to overstep its own boundaries as a government regulatory agency by placing legal limits on the amount of salt processed foods can contain. Read more...

Photo: A customer fills a tray with salad at Greenhouse, a restaurant in Ackerman Union that provides healthy, low-sodium food options to students and others on campus.

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